Saturday, 22 August 2015

The Best Book Ever!

Hi guys!

I had a conversation recently with some friends, I asked for a book and somehow, the conversation got to “the best book ever” topic. As usual, answers varied and it was interesting and enlightening.

After the conversation and a little thinking, I discovered that I didn’t actually give an answer during that conversation. I think that was probably because I was the host of the “talk show”…… (LOL) and I was mostly listening rather than talking.

However, I do have a book that I think governs every aspect of life.
Personal, official, financial, intimate, social, emotional, religious….. Name it! The book has it all and every time I open it, I learn something new.
It is like a guide on living and Life itself

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

When There Was Creativity!

Hi guys!
So, I actually don’t mean to be MIA but, Life is happening.
I am here with a memory from the past. Back when I was little, I was a very creative girl and I loved to use my head for interesting things rather than boys, fashion and all that we do think of as adults…. LOL!
Anyway, back then, there was something I used to do, it was very interesting,


Honestly, y’all! Every girl has a story!  No Jokes people, every girl has a story! However, nobody will believe us. It doesn’t make it o...