Thursday, 25 June 2015

Facial Care

Hi guys!

I know this is quite cliché but, here are some tips to having a fresh face or something close to that.
The secret to having a good and fresh skin is

Yeah, nobody likes stress and nothing likes stress,
not even our faces. For people like me out there, stress gets written all over our faces. However, stress cannot be completely avoided so, what do we do? Now, you need to know that the skin on the face and neck is the very delicate. Here are some easy tips for facial care.

1.      Stay away from facial products.
Harsh soaps, creams, cleansers and all those, keep them all off your face. If you have already pampered your face to too much of those that your face cannot do without it, accept my apologies. I have been through that stage but you need to know that you will make a couple of sacrifices to get what you want. If you must use products, settle for natural things like sugar for facial scrubs, honey, lime e.t.c

2.      Drink a lot of water.
You have definitely heard this one before, I know. However, people try it for a couple of days and then they stop. You cannot get results over night. It comes gradually, that is how the human body works. It is never in a hurry so, no rush. Make sure you drink 90% of this water during the day. People are advised to drink water before bed. This is a good idea but, you don’t want to drink water and sleep off in two (2) minutes. You might want to give your system like (30) thirty minutes or so; after drinking water before you sleep. This is to maintain a good health. There is something called “reflux” this is the backwards flow of body fluids but, I won’t bore you with that. Just know that water can move back from the bladder into the body; Especially for people who are good at fighting the urge to urinate. Most people hardly wake up from sleep just to urinate so, do yourself a favor and let that liquid pass through before you go to bed.

3.      Take off the makeup.
Talking of sleep, some of us sleep off with the makeup on our faces even after carrying it for the whole day. This is one bad habit that should be stopped. A lot of debris, bacteria, particles; harmful and non reactive must have settled on our beautiful faces during the day. It is true that our foundations and all protect our faces from these debris and particles but, these products clog our facial pores. Poor pores! These pores need to breathe to look good. Some people use facial wipes but, I prefer soap and water. Take time to wash your face properly before bedtime.

4.      Do not top up your make up.
It is okay to dab on your face with a clean handkerchief or a tissue when you feel like your face has become very oily but please, do yourself a favor, don’t top up your makeup. If you feel you don’t want a dab you actually need more powder, then wash off and apply fresh makeup. This is good for your face but, trust me; you will absolutely enjoy the feeling.

5.      Eat good foods.
I know we love our fries and all those fatty foods. I do not have any problem with that; I love people that eat well. However, detoxification can take care of that. Once in a while, get a detox. Consumption of fruits and veggies can also help. Eat some balanced diet foods ladies and gentlemen.

6.      Steam your face.
How often you want to do this depends on you. Steaming helps to open up the pores and allow breathing. Place your face over the bucket containing hot water and cover up with a towel. Stay for as long as you want. Just enjoy the moment.
7.      Most importantly, keep your hands away from your face pleaseeeee!
I love touching my face with my hands but, whenever I am tempted to do that, I remember that my hands are always dirty so, I do not do that anymore. Yes, we transfer germs and dirt’s from our hands to our beautiful faces because we can’t keep our hands off our faces. We use our hands for so many things; especially during the day. We eat with our hands and bla bla. Trust me, the fact that you have held money alone makes your hands extremely dirty. I will talk about this in my subsequent post but for now; keep your hands away from your face. 
NB: Do not pick pimples on your face. Pimples will dry and fall of naturally, no need for the stress and discomfort of plugging those things out. You will not be able to dodge blackheads if you pick your pimples.

If you need a list of some natural items you can use, just send me a mail.  

As often as I remember more tips, I will update this post. Do have fun and remember to give it time.
Everything takes time.

Until my next post, I still remain the only me.

With Love


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