Tuesday, 4 August 2015

When There Was Creativity!

Hi guys!
So, I actually don’t mean to be MIA but, Life is happening.
I am here with a memory from the past. Back when I was little, I was a very creative girl and I loved to use my head for interesting things rather than boys, fashion and all that we do think of as adults…. LOL!
Anyway, back then, there was something I used to do, it was very interesting,
tasking and creative. I loved it every time I am able to complete it and, I read it over and over again.
Yeah! It had to do with writing but rather than just writing a story or a tale, I used something to create a story.

Don’t get lost, let me site an example….. I could pick an actress and get a list of movies she has featured in and use that list to write a story or, pick a music album and use the track list to write a story. 

Okay, let me use “The Pinkprint” as an example.

“I love TRUFFLE BUTTER and every time I get it, I WANT SOME MORE. The ONLY problem is; I don’t share but, if you want some, you have to GET ON YOUR KNEES. In a FOUR DOOR AVENTADOR with TRINI DEM GIRLS, I laid on a BED OF LIES. I was FEELING MYSELF and I overdosed on PILLS N PORTIONS after playing THE CRYING GAME. That was when, I LIED. I had to because; ALL THINGS GO……..”

Yeah! Something like that.
So the songs from the album (The Pinkprint ) featured in this write up are;
Truffle Butter
Want Some More
Get On Your Knees
Four Door Aventador
Trini Dem Girls
Bed of Lies
Feeling Myself
Pills N Portions
Crying Game
I Lied
All Things Go

 It is very interesting when there is a very long list to work with and more interesting if the reader actually understands the concept. 

I still do something similar, I hide a message in a write up, then I task the reader to decipher the hidden message in the message. I give clues too…. LOL!

I think I remembered this because I miss creativity….. Now, for me it is all about reality. Presently, When I write and I go back to read what I have written, if it doesn’t sound real, if it doesn’t feel real, I just change it all over.
I started to feel like there was a missing piece in all my writings and boom….. I had to go back in time to get it. CREATIVITY!
It never leaves you dry, but the well of creativity can run dry.
I think to be creative, you just have to nurture your mind to always generate something out of nothing in a meaningful way.

Don’t forget, you have to love it. If you don’t love it, you will lose it.
I hope I have inspired you to be creative in doing what you love doing. LOL!

Till you read my post again, I remain the poster.

Thanks for reading.

With Love


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