Wednesday, 28 September 2016

That peace...

Have you ever felt peace? Hold on a second! Before you answer that,
I didn’t say “have you ever been happy”?
Happiness is circumstantial but not peace. I know you might be wondering why I am asking the most insane question right now but, that is what I do. Lol!
Anyway! I love being at peace. It can be crazy. The fact is; many people seek peace. Actually, everybody wants to be at peace but, we are almost
never searching the right place. And because we are searching the wrong places, what we find is often happiness.
I earlier said happiness is circumstantial and that is true. We look for peace in our jobs, careers, friends and families amongst other things but, what we get from all these is happiness. 

It is not wrong to be happy. I love being happy. The only problem with happiness is the fact that it doesn’t last long. But Joy, peace and rest of mind goes a long way. It reaches depths of your soul that happiness can never dream to approach.

I am a reader. I love to read and this is a good habit but, there are times that I have read things that either confuse me, misguide me or kill me. By “kill” I don’t mean “send to a physical grave”, I mean “send a sense of death to the soul and/or troubles the soul.
Okay! Let me stop perambulating and hit the nail on its head.
I once read an article and I have heard about how some people tend to be at peace when death nears them. 
So I always thought that peace was a near-death experience.

I have been talking about “peace” for a length of time now and people have been asking if I am beginning to lose my sanity *laughs*
Well, no!

I just love this feeling of peace and no, I am not dying either. I would have been dead a long time ago if peace was a pre-requisite for death.

I have had this intense peace that I started to think “maybe I might soon give up on breathing” and just pass away, Judging with the knowledge I acquired from that article But, I am still here.


Peace so intense! 
There was a time that everything in my life was falling apart and everything I had built and was building was crumbling, Crashing like a tornado had visited my life and was causing a mayhem in every area of my life but, this peace wouldn’t let me be phased. I was totally unmoved like a stubborn rock, unshaken, unbothered and at peace. 
I went through it all and I came out victorious with my peace and sanity intact. Not by my power or might.

I do understand that it is not easy to go through any challenge in life and be as whole as before that challenge struck. Sometimes like a lightening without any warning. I get it! 

For a while now I have stopped saying “don’t let it bother you” because I now understand that without this “peace”, it will bother you.

There is peace on this earth. It can be felt. Notwithstanding the negativity happening around the whole world, there is peace.

Peace like heaven! Peace like a river! Peace from a well that can never run dry! Peace for the soul!

Sweet peace! 

Don’t stress yourself over things that you can’t control (Which in the real sense is everything). let the controller control the controllable while you just feed your soul with sweet, nonintoxicating wine and chill.



This isn’t an easy task but, it is not impossible either.
I encourage you to find your peace.
Stop looking in the wrong place.

Focus! Ask yourself “where haven’t I looked”?

I hope you find it.
Happy searching!

PS: If you need help locating it, just holla! Turns out; I know how to cast “location spell”(s). *winks*

If you want to know how I found this peace feel free to send me a mail.
You can also share your peace story with me.

All the best friends! 

With Love


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