Tuesday, 28 March 2017

What??? Here too?

With keen interest, I listened to an acquaintance of mine whine about getting hurt, betrayed, shattered, destroyed, disappointed, misinterpreted, broken and bla bla bla......


First of all, these are normal in life.
Secondly, what is new about that?
Thirdly, why the hell is it bothering you after a long time?

PS: this was approximately six months after the event.

Don't get me wrong, I
get how depressing these sad emotional events can be but, how long does it have to dwell with you? What about that thing we call "moving on"?


I'll just go ahead and give you a hint but not the details.


So, what is really bothering this acquaintance of mine is the fact that he was victimized by a church member who was supposed to be a friend.

Okay, I have to be honest, he cares most about the fact that it in-fact was a church member while i care about the fact that it was a friend. (Topic for another day)

I have heard a lot of people say "Oh! I left that church because somebody hurt me.
"The pastor picked on me'
"The ministers don't visit"
"The members like to gossip" and bla.....

Rolling my eyes like duh!

First and foremost, the church is the people.... the human beings that use the building and NOT the building itself.

Secondly, "The heart of man is desperately wicked" says the word of the most high and these people, the ones you meet in church, they are Human in nature.

Let me stop there.

Now, after establishing these facts, how can we think for a second that the church is perfect when humans are not and can never be perfect?

I like to use this equation.... In every twelve persons, there is a Judas, a Peter and a Thomas.
Out of the numerous people you will probably meet in church,
 0.12% = Thomas (The doubter)
0.12% = Judas (The betrayer) and
0.12% = Peter (The denier)

Don't believe me, ask Jesus himself.

 So, I am not exactly thrilled when people assume that out of 100% people in church, 100% will be perfectly amazing.


Come on..... lets be realistic ladies and gentlemen.

The truth is; we all need people
The terrible ones to teach us lessons,
The good ones to get our backs,
And the bad ones to help us develop thick skin.

So, count all your friends and apply the formula above, Count all your employees and apply the formula and your employers too.

So, technically, If your 100% employer = 1 person, the formula is still applicable. In-fact, it is a life-constant formula.

Note: I am not in any way insinuating that terrible attitudes should be encouraged in the church or any misconception of that nature, I am just saying "Never think for a second that a "HUMAN" is perfect just because you met him/her in church.

I do solemnly wish that this Peterism, thomasism and Judasism can be kept outside the church though.
That actually begins with you and I.
We are the church.

People will always maybe often have intentions, you might not know who has the bad intentions and otherwise but, let us practice the word and turn the other cheek, If that dumb-ass (excuse my language) stupidly hits the other cheek, we got no more cheeks so we can attack because we are not stupid, someone took all the hits so that we don't take any and we have been given the spirit of power, Love and Sound mind.

Use that power when you should.
Forgive as often as you can.
Love everyone even the Thomases, Judases and Peterses.
Then.... most importantly, MOVE ON!

Living is a constant battle and I think we have a lot of weapons at our disposal.
Choose the right weapon.
Fight in Victory.
 Be an example.

 Don't let someone brainless and heartless steal the joy of your salvation or cause you to lose it.
Be brave!

I hope I have inspired someone with my words...

Hey! How do you like the new blogs'  theme?


With Love


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