Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Action speaks louder than words but, words hurt.

There are so many things that we may not, and cannot understand until a third class experience exposes us to such feelings; mostly hurtful ones.

I recently had a third class experience on twitter; a lady was being picked on and tagged with so much negativity but I won't say why.

I now have a blurry picture of what celebrities go through.

This is not pre-school or high school where pupils get bullied for almost no reason; this is reality.

I think it is absolutely unfair to stigmatize people for expressing themselves, or making decisions.
It is childish and
completely unnecessary.

When celebrities deactivate their accounts on social media platforms, I usually wonder why, and ask myself if it is so hard to ignore some uncivilized human beings, but I now realize that human beings are different. People do not think in the same way nor handle situations in the same manner.
Thence the reason why Mr. A can totally ignore negative comments but, Mr. B will breakdown completely because of the same comment.

Our actions and inactions in the same situations differ because we are all different.

Bullying is wrong in every way, and kids tend to get away with it because "they are kids".
Trust me though, it not only leaves a firsthand mark on the kid who is being bullied, it tampers with that kid's self esteem in more ways than one.
Yes! Again, I am talking from experience.

But get this, when you become an adult, and you are "bullying" another adult for any reason; directly or not, It is sheer foolishness and inappropriate.
When one is being bullied for making a choice or expressing it then, it is complete madness and unfathomable.

I believe there is "DELETE" on every social network, so if someone is expressing a different opinion from yours and you hate it so much, delete the person, Simple!
If you want to be so nice, block that person.
Don't wait to pick on someone, it is totally unfair.

You have no idea what kind of crap one has to deal with daily, negative comments cannot help anybody; not even the person making those comments.

Are we going to grow up or not? Seriously!

At first I thought it was all a joke, until my TL got flooded with so many negative comments and I felt hurt for the victim, and I tried to talk her into ignoring those making the comments and their disgusting comments. Then, I remembered that it could be easy for me to do, but difficult for someone else.

It was early in the morning and I felt my mood that day was already altered because of that event. Now, imagine how the victim would have felt.

Even the sentence "I told you so" is so hard for me to say to anyone, except at times where it's just a bunch of friends laughing or reminiscing.

I don't think it is hard for us to have a little bit of humanity.

Animals and Insects have feelings for their species, why not you? Why not me?
I mean, we are "HUMANS" after all.

Show a little humanity.

No matter how difficult it is to cope with the way people express themselves, I'm sure we can disapprove without hate.

I hope nobody becomes a victim of bullying, hate or negativity of any sort; especially on social media platforms. It could be very depressing.

Y'all should be careful.
Watch your back too, those people we call friends, ...........(lip-sealed)!

I wish you all the best.

With Love


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